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01 Equipment

Stainless Steel Milk Jug
300ml or 600ml
Stove top
Coffee Machine
Spoon / Whisk

02 Weigh

Based upon your desired brew size, select a jug and adjust the weight of the latte powder mix.
We recommend an optimum ratio of 10grams to every 100ml of milk, typically within +/- 0.25grams.

03 Whisk

Ensure your chosen milk is chilled & fresh before pouring.
Whisk your chocolate powder into the cold milk.

04 Heat & Serve

Gently heat the milk along with the latte powder on your stovetop or steamwand, stirring occasionally to 65°.
If you don’t have a thermometer, the small bubbles will typically indicate a temperature between 65-70°.
Please do not bring it to a boil.
Once finished, pour into a cup or glass to serve.